Sunday, December 10, 2006

Fast Food Anathema

From henceforth, I detest fast food. It is almost as deceitful as candy. Today, I begin nurturing a repulsion towards it.

That Burger King/Hardees smell is particularly loathsome.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Non-smilers suck. They are the worst kind of polluters. They pollute the cosmic energy with negativity. They are perpetuators of bad Karma.

I hope to never become a non-smiler. I want good Karma. So, from henceforth, whether confronted with good, bad or indifference, I will smile. When someone talks to me, I will smile. When I pass people I don't know, I will smile. If someone wants to kick my butt, I will smile.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Cash Cow America

I sense, that America is in it's "cash-cow" phase of existence. The world is changing, and the momentum is no longer on America's side. America has peaked. Underlying currents of economic and political turmoil are growing. But this is not inherently a bad thing.  It is a naturally occurring universal law as a warning against complacency.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Candy Conflicted

Candy is a tool of the devil. I am constantly tempted by it's chocolaty goodness. I try to refuse it's call... but fail. For, candy is very persistent. It surreptitiously tempts me with visions of yumminess.  "Just one", it whispers, and eventually I relent. But, candy does not uphold it's end of the bargain. It is a liar and deceiver. After infiltrating my digestive track, it unleashes a barrage of mind altering chemicals, sabotaging any remaining willpower. I become helpless to prevent an onslaught of additional uneaten candies from subsequent consumption where they join the first in a celebration of successfully overcoming another weak-minded human individual.

From henceforth, I loathe candy. (Unless its dark chocolate)... And, I exercise really hard afterward.