Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Wallowing in Superficiality

Humanity is far too preoccupied with matters of shallow relevance to see truth. Most are doomed to wander obliviously through a pathetic life of superficial existence.

If only I can maintain an observer's point of view, it could all be so entertaining.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if you watch the TV show "Heros" (I bet you do) but the "evil" character Sylar said this, "They hate that they are different they don't want their power so I take it from them". (roughly translated) Those in power in this country think the same of liberty - they're both right. Most people don't deserve liberty - those who do will die to protect it. That being said our current war is about liberty the premise of our getting involved is not. Hopefully you understand where I am going with this. Cheers.
